2005, Stallion
Corona Cartel x Lil Bit Rusty, by Easily Smashed

2025 FEE: $3,000
With considerations.
Frozen Semen & ICSI
Eligible for Louisiana Bred Program, TQHA, PDJF, APHA, Speedhorse Races, Texas A&M Legends, LQHBA, QHRAI, IQHA Bitterroot, OQHRA, MQHRA, AQRA, Black Gold, CLSF, OAR, RMC and The Diamond Classic

Property of: Bobby D. Cox

Coronas Leaving You
Standing At:
Cox Stallion Station
15122 L & L Road, Kaplan, LA 70548
Bobby D. Cox, Owner  
Inquiries to:
Jerome Bellard, Farm Manager
337-643-3255 - Cell: 337-207-7944


Coronas Leaving You's Top Performers
SAN LORENZO SI 105, h. In the Open by Mr Eye Opener (5 wins to 3, $1,010,662 1st-Lee Berwick Futurity-G1, 1st-LQHBA Louisiana Million Futurity-G1, etc.)
OPEN ME A CORONA SI 105, h. In the Open by Mr Eye Opener (16 wins to 6, $929,150 AQHA Racing Champion Aged Stallion, 1st-LQHBA Breeders Futurity-G1, 1st-Louisiana Classic S.-G2, 1st-Louisiana Champions Day Classic S.-G2, 1st-Louisiana Classic S.-G2, etc.)
EYE WORK FOR YOU SI 97, g. Eye Love It by Mr Eye Opener (7 wins to 3, $555,566 1st-Remington Park Oklahoma Bred Futurity-G1, 1st-All American Juvenile S., 1st-Black Gold 400 Championship Futurity Lads Division [R] , etc.)
SCOOPIES LEAVING YOU SI 109, h. Ms Scoopies Toast by Toast to Dash (17 wins to 7, $329,383 East Hi-Point Aged Stallion, East Hi-Point Aged Stallion, East Hi-Point Aged Stallion, 1st-Mr Jess Perry Louisiana Downs S.-G3, 1st-Gentilly Dash S., 1st-Sam's Town S., 1st-Evangeline Downs Dash S., etc.)
JRS CORONAS SHADOW SI 109, g. Shadow of Colors by Dashing Val (13 wins to 9, $324,629 Mexico Hi-Point Aged Gelding, 1st-Delta Downs Louisiana Bred Derby-G3, 1st-Clasico Campeon de Campeones G3-G3, 1st-Clasico Campeon de Campeones G3-G3, 1st-Clasico Javier Rosique Palavicini, etc.)
FIRST PRIZE BOURBAN SI 103, g. First Prize Pearl by Mr Jess Perry (5 wins to 3, $295,617 1st-The Treme S.-G3, 1st-LQHBA Breeders Derby S., 2nd-Delta Downs Louisiana Bred Derby-G3, etc.)
DASH FOR CORONAS SI 106, h. Azure Dash by First Down Dash (4 wins to 5, $268,737 1st-Oklahoma Futurity-G2, 2nd-Retama Park Derby-G3, etc.)
HES BOLD AS CORONA SI 97, g. Shes Bold as Bold by Desirio (4 wins to 2, $268,527 1st-Mardi Gras Futurity-G2, 1st-De Saix S., etc.)
SAN LORENZO CORONA SI 108, h. In the Open by Mr Eye Opener (8 wins to 5, $254,889 East Hi-Point Aged Stallion, 1st-Louisiana Classic S.-G2, 1st-Vals Fortune S.-G2, 1st-Open Me A Corona S. [R] -G2, 1st-Opelousas S. [R] -G2, etc.)
RC ME LEAVING YOU SI 105, h. Sixy Bottom by Streakin Six (7 wins to 6, $209,748 Texas Hi-Point Aged Stallion, Texas Hi-Point Aged Stallion, Texas Hi-Point Aged Stallion, 1st-B F Phillips Jr H.-G3, 1st-B.F. Phillips Jr. S., 1st-Nevill Document Solutions S., 1st-Nevill Document Solutions S., etc.)
FIRST CORONA DOWN SI 95, m. Bammies Jewel by First Down Jewel (4 wins to 3, $202,032 1st-Louisiana Champions Day Derby S.-G2, 3rd-Louisiana QHBA Futurity-G1, etc.)
JRS CORONAS TOAST SI 103, g. Egos Toast to Dash by Toast to Dash (4 wins to 8, $197,994 2nd-Vals Fortune/Teddy Abrams Jr S.-G2, 2nd-Vals Fortune Teddy Abrams Memorial S., 3rd-Louisiana Champions Day Classic S.-G2, 3rd-Louisiana Classic S.-G2, etc.)
SECOND DOWN LEAVING SI 103, g. Second Down Perry by Mr Jess Perry (6 wins to 3, $188,859 1st-Louisiana Juvenile S., 1st-The Treme Derby [R] , 1st-Billy Montgomery LAD S., 2nd-Louisiana QHBA Sale Futurity-G1, etc.)
DLJ IMMA B FAMOUS SI 108, g. Yugo Buds by Strawflyin Buds (5 wins to 8, $182,963 1st-Mid-City S.-G3, 2nd-Louisiana Classic S.-G2, 2nd-Louisiana Champions Day QH Classic S.-G2, 2nd-Vals Fortune S.-G2, etc.)
THE RENAISSANCE MAN SI 94, g. Jewels Fortune by First Down Jewel (3 wins to 4, $182,721 2nd-Louisiana Bred Laddie Futurity-G2, 3rd-Lee Berwick Futurity-G1, 3rd-Louisiana QHBA Sale Futurity-G1, etc.)
LA MOS CORONA SI 103, m. La Mos Chingono by Heza Fast Dash (8 wins to 4, $181,177 East Hi-Point Three-Year-Old Filly, 1st-Open Me a Corona S. [R] -G2, 1st-Flashy Hemp S. [R] , 1st-Billy Montgomery S., 1st-Party Girl S. [R] , etc.)
GONE CARTEL SI 109, g. Ms Big Dashin Now by Dashin Now (8 wins to 5, $157,082 1st-Mr. Jess Perry Louisiana Downs S. [R] -G3, 2nd-Delta 550 S., etc.)
WASTING NO CORONA SI 99, g. Its Stoli Time by Stoli (5 wins to 5, $154,064 1st-Sunland Park Winter Futurity-G2, 3rd-Higheasterjet H.-G3, etc.)
COLLEGE SCANDAL SI 94, m. Fovee by Cuvee (4 wins to 5, $143,641 1st-PCQHRA Breeders Derby-G2, 2nd-Charger Bar Handicap S.-G1, 2nd-Virginia Hyland Stakes, 2nd-Dashing Folly S., etc.)
BELEAVIN SI 101, g. Eight Below 123 by Mr Eye Opener (3 wins to 3, $141,200 3rd-LQHBA Louisiana Million Futurity-G1, etc.)
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Coronas Leaving You's Weekly Progeny Recap
No Weekly Progeny Recap for the week of 3/17/2025 to 3/24/2025           Return to top of page
Coronas Leaving You's Last 12 months Progeny Recap

Coronas Leaving You's Race Record
Age Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earned
Totals 13 9(2)1(1)0$278,358
1st-Firecracker Futurity(G2), 1st-6666 Ranch H., 2nd-Texas Classic Derby(G1), Finalist in Texas Classic Futurity(G1), Finalist in The Championship At Sunland Park S.(G1)
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Coronas Leaving You's Pedigree
Coronas Leaving YouCorona CartelHolland EaseFirst Down Dash
Easy Henryetta
Corona ChickChicks Beduino
Sizzling Lil
Lil Bit RustyEasily Smashed*Easy Jet
Smash It
Rusty RocketteRocket Wrangler
Call Her Anything

Coronas Leaving You
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Coronas Leaving You's Catalog Page

Coronas Leaving You

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