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OKLAHOMA CITY, OK–JANUARY 24, 2024–Breeders are urged to get their final bids in to the 2024 OQHRA Stallion Service Auction that closes Friday, January 26. The annual auction closes at "noon" (CST).
"We have available breeding to some stallions with closed books, "Courtney Barnett, OQHRA Director of Member Services said today.
Prices for the OQHRA breeding's include farm and chute fees and anyone successful with purchasing a breeding valued over $500 will received a limited edition OQHRA jacket.
To review available stallions and begin bidding CLICK HERE.
Breeders must register before placing a bid. To register CLICK HERE.
If you place a bid within 5 minute of the auction ending, that stallion will stay open for at least 5 more minutes. Once there have not been any bids on that stallion for 5 minutes that stallion will close.
For questions or to donate a stallion to this program contact Courtney Barnett at (405) 216-0440 or courtney.b@oqhra.com.
For additional information contract OQHRA at (405) 216-0440 or visit the association website at oqhra.com.