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HOT SPRING, AR—APRIL 6, 2018—The Association of Racing Commissioners International’s model rules provide a set of recommended rules that individual jurisdictions are encouraged to adopt in an effort to create uniform regulations.
During the AQHA Racing Committee meeting held during the Bank of America Challenge Championships, a discussion was held regarding a minimum weight for American Quarter Horse jockeys.
Following the discussion, AQHA and the Jockeys’ Guild collaborated to create a recommended rule change for ARCI’s model rules providing a Quarter Horse jockey’s minimum weight at 124 pounds.
At the recent ARCI meeting, held in Hot Springs, Arkansas, the rule change was presented first at the Quarter Horse Committee, which unanimously supported the measure, which then moved to the ARCI Board, which also passed the rule without objection.
"Moving forward, it will be up to the individual jurisdictions to adopt the ARCI’s Model Rule," explains Chief Racing Officer Janet VanBebber. "However, this was a very important first step in implementing the desire our horsemen expressed at our meeting. My appreciation is extended to the Jockey’s Guild for working with us in this pursuit to provide further safety to our jockeys."