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Leading Sires by Money Earned - 2024
Home > Leading Sires > Leading Sires by Money Earned - 2024
Leading Sires by Money Earned - 2024
Rank | Stallion (YOB,Sire) |
Farm | Rnrs/ Wnrs |
SWs | Chief Earner, Earnings |
Earnings |
1 | Favorite Cartel (2007, Favorite Trick) | Burns Ranch | 372 /138 | 15 | Hezgothelook Z ($2,358,300) | $6,851,428 |
2 | Apollitical Jess (2007, Mr Jess Perry) | Royal Vista Ranch, LLC | 263 /113 | 14 | Dk Marney Jess ($448,150) | $4,945,703 |
3 | Tempting Dash (2007, First Down Dash) | Granada Farms | 153 /58 | 4 | Dashing Tres ($882,785) | $3,190,789 |
4 | Flying Cowboy 123 (2016, Apollitical Jess) | Royal Vista Ranch, LLC | 189 /76 | 9 | Fire Cowboy ($147,744) | $2,794,213 |
5 | Kiss My Hocks (2012, Tempting Dash) | Lazy E Ranch | 120 /41 | 9 | Joose Boxx ($555,728) | $2,737,734 |
6 | Freighttrain B (2008, Pyc Paint Your Wagon) | Cox Stallion Station | 233 /92 | 6 | Rf Fast Dash N Train ($158,483) | $2,521,646 |
7 | Fdd Dynasty (2004, First Down Dash) | Bob Moore Farms | 165 /48 | 6 | Fdd Dreams ($459,019) | $2,271,735 |
8 | Big Daddy Cartel (2009, Corona Cartel) | MJ Farms | 190 /56 | 3 | Big Posies Cartel ($98,015) | $2,122,900 |
9 | Eye Am King (2015, Mr Jess Perry) | MJ Farms | 152 /48 | 7 | Harken ($231,414) | $2,087,668 |
10 | Kvn Corona (2015, Corona Cartel) | Robicheaux Ranch Inc. | 160 /74 | 5 | My Fancy Corona ($169,309) | $1,958,837 |
11 | Hes Relentless (2011, One Famous Eagle) | Bob Moore Farms | 131 /47 | 9 | Relentless Diamond ($103,410) | $1,873,735 |
12 | Jess Good Candy (2013, Good Reason Sa) | Lazy E Ranch | 129 /48 | 1 | Especially Goodcandy ($283,894) | $1,647,728 |
13 | Corona Cartel (1994, Holland Ease) | Lazy E Ranch | 110 /37 | 6 | Visa ($356,254) | $1,517,863 |
14 | Apollitical Blood (2012, Apollitical Jess) | Royal Vista Ranch, LLC | 124 /50 | 5 | Tres of Blood ($143,214) | $1,436,632 |
15 | Moonin the Eagle (2012, One Famous Eagle) | Cox Stallion Station | 151 /49 | 3 | Flash Bak ($309,481) | $1,431,394 |
16 | One Fabulous Eagle (2013, One Famous Eagle) | Cox Stallion Station | 124 /44 | 9 | One Fabulous Dynasty ($96,613) | $1,213,576 |
17 | One Sweet Jess (2008, Mr Jess Perry) | Tate Farms | 123 /43 | 9 | Hoztile Takeover ($112,525) | $1,188,408 |
18 | Pyc Paint Your Wagon (2003, Corona Cartel) | Lazy E Ranch | 69 /19 | 2 | Painted Eclispe ($414,957) | $1,185,118 |
19 | First Moonflash (2005, First to Flash) | Double L L Farm | 73 /23 | 6 | Running to the Moon ($323,690) | $1,153,435 |
20 | One Famous Eagle (2005, Mr Jess Perry) | Granada Farms | 98 /32 | 1 | A Famous Ribbon ($85,604) | $948,422 |
21 | Mr Piloto (2008, Mr Jess Perry) | Louisiana Center For Equine Reproduction | 117 /41 | 2 | Mp Adored ($53,681) | $942,008 |
22 | Five Bar Cartel (2011, Corona Cartel) | Tate Farms | 102 /38 | 5 | Drinkinatacartelbar ($89,005) | $938,082 |
23 | The Marfa Lights (2014, One Famous Eagle) | Lazy E Ranch | 103 /37 | 2 | Karmalites ($183,000) | $924,024 |
24 | Jess Louisiana Blue (1998, Mr Jess Perry) | Jumonville Farms | 110 /34 | 2 | Corona Blue Estrella ($75,670) | $889,757 |
25 | Coronas Leaving You (2005, Corona Cartel) | Cox Stallion Station | 74 /35 | 1 | Hes Bold as Corona ($223,627) | $829,735 |