Stallion Search

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Stallion Sire Farm Location 2025 Fee
Eagle Deluxe One Famous Eagle Spring Hill Farms LA $1,000
Eagles Fly Higher One Famous Eagle Royal Vista Ranch, LLC OK $3,500
Ec Jet One The Louisiana Cartel Granada Farms TX $5,000
Eckelson (TB) Bahri Holden Thoroughbred & Running Quarter Horse Farm IN Private(2024)
Eddie Stinson Dash Ta Fame Brazos Valley Stallion Station TX $6,000
Ef Eurus Ta Fame Dash Ta Fame Red River Equine LLC OK $3,000
El Camino Cl Heza Fast Dash Tate Farms LA $1,500(2024)
El Tartanero Jess Apollitical Jess Scarlett Hill Farm TX $2,000
Elmer FDD Dynasty La Feliz Montaņa Ranch NM $2,500
Emerald Coast A Revenant Ruiz Stable OK $1,000
Encore Corona Cartel Midwest Equine & Veterinary Hospital IN $1,200
Eos A Political Win Apollitical Jess West Central Veterinary Services IN $2,000
Epic Leader Confederate Leader Outlaw Equine TX $6,500(2024)
Epic Rokstar Epic Leader Outlaw Equine TX $1,750
Escondido Beach Corona Cartel Miller Ranch IN $1,500(2024)
Executive Rule Executive Menace Double K Stables TX $1,000
Eye Am King Mr Jess Perry MJ Farms NM $6,500
Eye On the Card Docs Best Card Granada Farms TX $3,500
Eyesa Freighttrain B Freighttrain B Cox Stallion Station LA $4,000